Building Understanding Together: B.U.T., Seriously

Welcome to Building Understanding Together, or as I like to call it, B.U.T., Seriously—because, seriously, we need to get people to understand.
I'm Ronni, mom to a 23-year-old severely disabled IDD, nonverbal, self-injurious adult. And let me tell you, the over-21 world is not what I expected. It’s overwhelming, frustrating, and often leaves you feeling like you’re navigating it all alone.
That’s why I started this space. I want to navigate this world, not just for myself, but for everyone in this community. Together, as a team, we can advocate, inform, brainstorm, and build understanding.
Let’s work together to bridge the gap and create a world where resources, support, and compassion are easier to find. B.U.T., Seriously.